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Dental Cleanings: How Often Do You Need Them?

Complete Health Dentistry • January 15, 2023
Dental Cleanings, Dentist in Honesdale PA

Regular dental cleanings are an important part of a healthy person's life. Are you up to speed in this area of self-care? A dentist in Honesdale PA can help.

Do you brush your teeth twice each day for two minutes at a time like the American Dental Association recommends? Do you also make it a point to floss your teeth regularly?

If you just answered "yes" to both of these questions, you might be under the impression that you don't need to worry too much about getting your teeth cleaned by a dentist in Honesdale, PA.

But no matter how diligent you are about doing teeth cleaning at home, you should still arrange to have routine dental cleanings done by a professional. They can handle deep cleaning teeth for you so that your whole mouth is as clean as it can possibly be.

So, how often do you need to have these dental cleanings done? That's what we're going to discuss today. Continue reading to get the answer to this question.

How Often Do You Need Dental Cleanings?

There has been a long-running debate over exactly how often people should arrange to have dental cleanings done. Some people argue that a monthly teeth cleaning would be ideal, while others say that an annual dental cleaning is really all you need.

But generally speaking, most experts agree that having your teeth cleaned by a professional once every six months should do the trick.

As long as you're having your teeth cleaned that often, you should be able to take advantage of all the benefits of dental cleanings.

Why Are Dental Cleanings So Important?

Dental cleanings are important because, no matter how diligent you might be about brushing and flossing your teeth on your own, there will almost always be plaque and tartar left behind on your teeth. They can lead to gingivitis and other dental issues if you don't do anything about them.

There are also some areas of your mouth that will be difficult, if not impossible, for you to reach with a toothbrush and floss on your own. A dentist in Honesdale, PA will be able to get to these spots for you so that they don't cause any problems when it comes to your oral health.

While you're getting your teeth cleaned, a dentist will also be able to evaluate you for any signs of cavities, gum disease, etc. It's yet another reason why you should make it your mission to have dental cleanings done about every six months.

What Might Happen If You Don't Get Dental Cleanings?

Unfortunately, recent surveys have revealed that about half of all Americans with dental insurance don't see a dentist at least once every year. As a result, many people aren't having dental cleanings done as often as they should.

If you fall into this category, there is a good chance that you're going to have to deal with dental issues at some point. It isn't going to be long before you start to get cavities in your teeth.

Your teeth also aren't going to look as good as they should when you aren't having dental cleanings done every six months. During dental cleanings, your teeth will be polished to make them shine. But you won't be able to benefit from this when you aren't going to see a dentist in Honesdale, PA, regularly.

Who Should You Trust to Perform Dental Cleanings?

There are about 200,000 dentists scattered throughout the U.S. as of 2022. You can visit any one of their offices to have dental cleanings done.

But you shouldn't rely on just any dentist to provide you with dental cleanings and other dental care services. You only want the best dentist in Honesdale, PA to work on your teeth.

The dentist that you choose for dental cleanings should have the following qualities:

  • A wealth of experience within the dental industry
  • A wide range of dental care services
  • A calm and friendly demeanor
  • A caring and supportive staff
  • Affordable prices

You might be tempted to simply look up "dentists near me" and pick out the very first one you can find. But you'll be making a mistake if you do this. You should put some more time and effort into your search for a dentist in Honesdale, PA so that you're able to find one that you know you can count on.

How Much Do Dental Cleanings Cost?

The good news for those who want to arrange to have dental cleanings done is that they aren't going to break the bank. If you have dental insurance, you should be able to get dental cleanings covered by your insurance policy without a problem.

But even if you don't have dental insurance, dental cleanings are almost always going to fit into your budget. The average cost of a dental cleaning is right around $125.

That is a whole lot less than you will have to pay for more advanced dental services, like cavity fillings, root canals, and dental implants. It's one more reason why you should schedule routine dental cleanings with a wonderful dentist in Honesdale, PA. It might help you avoid having to pay for more expensive dental care services down the line.

Call Us When You Need a Dentist in Honesdale, PA, for Dental Cleanings

There is nothing quite like the feeling that you'll get after having dental cleanings done. Your mouth will feel so fresh and clean, and you'll appreciate not having to be too concerned about dealing with any major dental issues.

Has it been a little while now since your last dental cleaning? We would love to serve as your dentist in Honesdale, PA, and help you with your dental cleanings from now on. We can also provide you with a slew of other dental care services.

Contact us today to make an appointment for a dental cleaning.

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