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Dental Fillings - A Complete Guide

Complete Health Dentistry • March 18, 2022
dental fillings, Dentist in Honesdale PA, Dentist Honesdale PA

Will you be getting dental fillings from a dentist in Honesdale PA soon? Read on to learn how the process works and what to expect.

Did you know that more than 90% of Americans over the age of 20 have had at least one cavity in their lives? Cavities form as a result of tooth decay and once cavities start to get more serious, they can cause pain and tooth sensitivity. Eventually, your dentist in Honesdale, PA, will need to drill the cavity and fill it with dental fillings. 

But what kind of dental fillings are there and what is the dental fillings process like? Keep reading and learn more about dental fillings below and why they are an important treatment for cavities.

Why Do You Need to Have Your Cavities Filled?

Cavities often form when you don't take good care of your teeth. When you don't brush or floss your teeth every day, and especially if your diet contains a lot of sugar, you will increase your risk of developing cavities. This is because of the different strains of harmful bacteria that live in your mouth. 

These strains of bacteria love to eat sugar and when they do eat sugar, they produce acid as a waste product. This acid isn't strong enough to cause you any discomfort, but it is strong enough to start degrading the layers of enamel your teeth have. Even though tooth enamel is one of the strongest tissues in your body, even it can't stand a chance when exposed to this acid for long periods of time. 

Eventually, once the bacterial acid has enough time to break down your tooth enamel, a cavity may form. A cavity is a small space or hole filled with acid-producing bacteria. Cavities start out relatively innocuous and many people don't even realize that they have cavities. 

The first sign of a cavity is a little white dot on the surface of your tooth. Eventually, this dot will become dark brown or black before it becomes an actual hole in your tooth. If you let your cavity go untreated, it will eventually dig down to the deeper tissues of your tooth and cause tooth pain and sensitivity.

In more severe cases, this kind of tooth decay might even cause tooth infections that can be very serious. For those reasons, filling cavities is important. By drilling and filling cavities, you can prevent them from getting any worse and remove the problem completely. 

But what does the dental filling procedure look like and what kind of fillings can you choose from?

The Dental Filling Procedure

Many people tend to be afraid to get dental fillings, but as long as you have the best dentist, Honesdale, PA, on your side, you should have nothing to worry about. If you are very anxious about getting this procedure done, you may ask your dentist to sedate you. This way, you won't be aware of what's happening during the procedure and you won't feel any pain. 

Normally, dentists provide patients with a local anesthetic to the gums so the patient won't feel when the dentist starts to drill the cavity. Your dentist may also provide laughing gas (nitrous oxide) to make sure you're not too tense or stressed out during the procedure. Once your mouth is numb, the dentist will start to drill out the cavity. 

Drilling the cavity is important because it will be able to remove the decayed tooth enamel. If you leave the decayed enamel in your mouth, it will only continue to decay and get worse. Getting rid of it offers your tooth a clean start. 

After your dentist removes all the decayed tooth tissue, he will then need to fill the hole in your tooth. You will be able to choose what kind of filling you want. Once the dentist adds the filling to your tooth, he will be able to polish it and file it down so it matches the rest of your tooth structure. 

This is important for ensuring that you can bite down correctly. The recovery process after this dental procedure is very routine.

You need to make sure that you don't eat or drink anything after your procedure until after the numbing medication is out of your system. You may feel some mild pain and sensitivity as you heal, but this should go away on its own. 

Types of Dental Fillings

Composite dental fillings are one of the most popular options because they can match the color of your tooth. This is ideal for people who are concerned about the appearance of their teeth and want them to look as good as possible. They are also best if you have cavities on your front teeth since no one will be able to notice the fillings when you smile.

Composite fillings are usually made of ceramic and are very durable. Another popular option is amalgam or silver fillings. Silver fillings are not necessarily all silver; they may be mixed with other metals. These fillings, because they are metal, are very durable. 

A large percentage of the filling is mercury. While mercury is usually harmful to human health, the mercury in dental fillings is inert and won't cause you any problems. However, some people might not like amalgam fillings because they are dark and much more visible than composite fillings. 

For that reason, amalgam fillings are not best for the front teeth since they will be very visible. 

Everything You Need to Know About Dental Fillings

Dental fillings are important for improving your dental health when you have a cavity. When you leave a cavity untreated, you risk experiencing tooth pain, sensitivity, and even infection. The main options for fillings today are amalgam and composite fillings, the former of which can look like your real tooth. 

To learn more about dental fillings and other dental services, check out our services here.

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